Home in time for the end of Melbourne’s winter…

Asia ~ China ~ Hong Kong

Whoops – I might have been a little lazy in writing my last blog for my China trip… I’ve now been home for nearly a month (wow, time flies), and thought I’d better write that last post. But, honestly, I don’t have the time or the energy to write a nice long post like I normally do, so instead it’s a photo blog.

Chunking Mansions

Chunking Mansions

My “deluxe hotel” in Hong Kong – these buildings consist of many, many low budget hostel/hotel/guesthouses, ranging in grime from slightly grimey to total uk. I managed to stay in one of the better ones, Taiwan Hotel, for only HK$200 a night (for a twin room with a window, AC and private bathroom).

Hong Kong

Hong Kong

Looking over the waterfront, waiting for the night-time lightshow. As far as cities go, I’ve decided that Hong Kong is actually a pretty nice one to look at, plenty of greenery as soon as you step away from the city, and interesting buildings in the middle of town.

Hong Kong Nightime

Hong Kong Nightime

Watching the ships go by, just before the nighttime light-show

Watching the skies

Watching the skies

Stanley Beach in Hong Kong, just near the famous Stanley Markets

Life Savers in Hong Kong

Life Savers in Hong Kong

Bringing in the boat – the beach “closed” at 6pm – complete with announcements to tell us to get out of the water!

Me at the beach

Me at the beach

Enjoying a summer’s day – later it will become apparent just how sunburnt I really was…

Me, at the top of the peak

Me, at the top of the peak

Nice view – but my mind wasn’t really on the view that particular day. Probably can’t quite see it in the photo, but my legs were the same colour as the red hat Matt was trying to “rescue” (see below). Owwwwww!

Matt, playing monkey

Matt, playing monkey

At the top of the peak, “rescuing” a McD cap…

Matt & Ronald

Matt & Ronald

Just hanging out with our new friend at a local resturant…

Tian Tan Buddha

Tian Tan Buddha

The world’s tallest outdoor seated bronze Buddha – a whopping 268 steps to the top!

Matt taking a rest-stop

Matt taking a rest-stop

It’s a long way to the top – heading up to the Big Buddha on Lantau Island

So, now I’m home again, eagerly awaiting the birth of my neice/nephew. Off to Sydney, then Brisbane next month, then home for birthdays and Christmas. Hope all are well – this will be the last post for a while, until the next trip (China in January?)


So I told a little fib…

Oceania ~ Australia ~ Toomuc Valley

Surprise! I had told my family that I was arriving home on the 2nd of November, so you can just imagine my mum and Laura’s shock when I wandered in on the 30th of October. I found my way home from Melbourne airport (bus, train and taxi) all by my little self, and managed to surprise almost everyone. Was definitely worth it when I received the screams of shock. So this is the last blog, hope everyone has enjoyed reading them, I’ve certainly enjoyed the travelling required to write them! Keep in touch – at this stage the next travels is planned for November next year, if anyone’s interested in seeing Japan, China and Thailand, let me know!

Arriving in Melbourne

Arriving in Melbourne

Luv yas all,
xoxo BOBBI!!!