
Flinders Pier Dive

WE SAW A SHARK, WE SAW A SHARK! Despite a Great White being spotted in the area (how awesome would that have been?!), my first Australian shark was a draughtboard/swell shark, at about 1.2m long. It swam directly below me before disappearing into the murkiness that is Flinders. You just never know what you’re going to see under water!

The swell shark is so-called because despite its smallish size, when threatened it can swell up in an attempt to trick predators.

Location: Flinders, Victoria, Australia
Water Temperature: 15°C
Average Depth: 3m
Maximum Depth: 4.4m

Flinders Pier Dive

On the final weekend in May we also went to Flinders Pier, home of the otherworldly Weedy Seadragon. As well as these magnificent creatures, we were also treated to a massive school of trevally, an inquisitive giant cuttle, colourful cowfish and more. The challenge of Flinders is seeing beyond the weeds and spotting the marine life hiding in plain sight… The extra challenge is holding your camera still while the surge tries to push you all over the place!

Location: Flinders, Victoria, Australia
Water Temperature: 14°C
Average Depth: 3.3m
Maximum Depth: 4.8m